Technology for Teaching and Learning at TRU

Course Dates: Sept. 11 – Nov. 20, 2024
Live Virtual Classes: Wednesdays, 6-8 pm

Course Instructors

Jamie Drozda, M.E.T.

Melanie Latham, M.Ed

Hilary Schmidt, M.Ed.

Course Description

In this eleven-week program, you will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of technologies available to support teaching and learning at TRU including: WordPress, H5P, and Twine. You will examine when, why and how to use technology in your courses and will learn how to ensure the technology you use is accessible and why accessible technology is important. You will be encouraged to learn by doing; emphasis will be on creating materials and learning experiences which should be for use in your current or future teaching practice.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of Technology for Teaching and Learning at TRU, you will be able to:

  • Build a personal digital portfolio in WordPress
  • Describe why technology is a useful aspect of teaching and learning
  • Implement organizational design strategies in PowerPoint and Moodle. 
  • Integrate technology into your statement of teaching philosophy.
  • Develop digital learning objects for deployment in your own courses.

Course Delivery and Design

The course is delivered online via Big Blue Button. The class meets for two hours on Wednesday evenings, and additional contact time is provided through drop-in technical support and office hours. Course materials are hosted on WordPress and assignments will be submitted in Moodle. You will be responsible for building and maintaining a WordPress portfolio yourself.

The primary mechanism for learning in this course is by testing out the tools and working with them hands-on. There will be some assigned readings for discussion.

The image at the top of this page was taken by Melanie Latham at the B.C. Campus Roadshow at TRU June 13-14, 2024. One of the facilitators was performing live drawing to capture conversations and themes from the event.